*It reduces stress almost immediately.
*Laughter is the medicine that heals a broken heart.
*It raises your energy level and can change your mood instantly.
*It triggers serotonin production in your brain, which is the body’s natural feel good hormone. Thus producing a “natural high”.
*If you laugh really heart, it can be an ab workout.
*If you’ve ever rolled over on the floor holding your stomach from laughing, you know what I mean.
*It gets things moving inside of you, awakening energy channels that were previously closed or blocked.
*If you are feeling down or sad, you can become uplifted, light hearted and blissful simply by laughing.So, how do you evoke laughter when you need its healing properties?
1. Remain light hearted. When you are heavy in the heart, and have a frown on your face, nothing will make you laugh, no matter how funny it is.
2. Learn to laugh at yourself. No one is perfect. Many of the things you do on the day to day are silly, or just down right comical. If you can see the beauty and innocence in all of your actions, you won’t take yourself to seriously.
3. Have friends who make you laugh. Nothing better than a friend who speaks frankly with pure intentions and a loving heart. It can make us laugh, smile and lift our spirit.
4. Go to a comedy club. There are some amazing professional comedians out there, try it out.
A few of my favorite are:
Dean Cooke, Chris Rock, and Ellen.
Be prepared, many of them use negativity to make people laugh, this is not the best form of comedy.
Good, light hearted jokes are the best. They lift your mood without bringing negativity into your mind.
5. Watch a funny movie. If you’ve never seen silliness like Billy Madison (Adam Sandler) or Dumb and Dumber(Jim Carey), you need to see it just to know what I’m talking about. There’s something magical about people who are very oblivious to the world around them , not seeing it as the rest of society sees it.
6. Read comics. Either in the Sunday paper, or online you can find some good humor out there… One of my favorites is Garfield and Dilbert. Everyone has a slightly different style of humor that gets their juices flowing.. Figure out what yours is so you don’t waste a lot of time with the stuff that doesn’t do it for you:-)
7. Try Laughter Yoga! I’ve heard this style of yoga, which is rapidly catching on world wide, can turn a frown upside down and with the right teacher, get you rolling on the ground pretty quickly. Find a local class and give it a try~
I wish you a day filled with joy and laughter, Blessings to you on your journey,
I love you all:)